Thursday 2 October 2014

Disappearing Nine Patch Block

This has to be one of my all-time favourite quilting blocks.  It is super easy to put together, but looks like you have done so much work!  If you haven’t tried it yet here is a short written pattern to follow.

The size of each square is up to you and the outcome of each block.  If you have some charm squares lying around, this is perfect for using them up.  They are usually 5”x 5” and if using them your finished block will turn out 14”x 14”.  When you have sewn your blocks together another 1/2” will come off.  I do suggest that the center square be a dominant colour/pattern, as this is divided into fours and shows up repeatedly throughout the quilt.

Here I have put together a sample graphic of how your block could look.  There are many combinations but you will have to try arranging them as you feel fit for your desired outcome.

Firstly sew together nine squares to form a nine patch block in the traditional method.  Use 1/4” seam allowance.  Your block will look like the first image on the right.  Press your block.  Lay the block out on your cutting board aligning the lines and edges equally.  Taking your ruler and rotary cutter cut directly down the middle vertically and horizontally.  Your block is now in four pieces. 

Now it is up to you to sew all your blocks together in the arrangement you have decided on.  See, I told you it was easy.

Here is a graphic image of how your Disappearing Nine Patch Quilt could look.  Great for baby quilts, memory quilts, teenage quilts, lap quilts.  Have fun creating your own......

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