Monday 15 September 2014

Entrelac Crochet Blanket

Hi everyone!  It's a Tuesday again and would you believe it, it is raining in Auckland again!  I am honestly over it.  Just want to see some sunshine now with a bit of warmth to it.  So what is my post about today?  

Well as I was rummaging about in my craft cupboard amongst the UFO's (unfinished objects), and I came across a baby blanket in Entrelac Crochet.  If you don't know what that is, it is a version of Tunisian crochet.   simply picking up stitches and crocheting them off. 
I started this one a couple of years ago and haven't got around to finishing it.  If I go away it normally goes with me and a bit more will get done.  I love the colours, and if I knew of a baby boy being born I would forge ahead and complete it.  But, it seems only baby girls in my circle of friends.

Anyway I thought you might like to see the YouTube video that I followed to create this. It is by Bethintx1, who is Beth from Texas.  She does a great easy to follow tutorial.  It is in several parts so you need to stay focused. 

Entrelac Crochet Blanket
Please click on link above.

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